Research & Development (R&D)
Yücel Medikal ve Tekstil Ürünleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. started R&D studies in 2005 in the company with its engineer and chemist staff to produce Surgical Local Hemostats.
Yücel Medikal produced Cliniwax - Bone Wax which provides the control of bone bleeding and certificated it as its first product in 2006 and then offered it to the medical market.
Having been supported by KOSGEB in 2008, as the second product of the company, Yücel Medikal has produced and certificated a Clinisponge Gelatin Sponge Absorbable Hemostatic as which is widely used in surgery.
As a result of the R & D studies carried out with the cooperation and support of KOSGEB and Istanbul Aydın University between 2019-2020, Yücel Medikal produced Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Absorbable Hemostat and it has been proceeding to expand its product portfolio since then.
Also with the support of KOSGEB and R&D studies, Yücel Medikal has succeeded in producing some of the machines used in its production in accordance with its own products apart from its medical laboratory studies.